Wednesday 30 April 2014


Question : Who Is Guiding Canada Toward Being The Source To Displace Russia's Oil & Gas Supplies To Western Europe? And, How Far Will "Sanctions" Actually Go - In Either Direction?
Author : 2000 UN Security Council Oil Trader endorsement through Canada UN Ambassador; retired from Chevron after 30 years; Canadian energy developer since 1960; Signed trade agreement with Kyoto Royal family member in 2000; adopted by Coast Salish hereditary chief of Hwuneem Lodge. Former resource person to Alberta departments of Energy and Environment.Policy Chair-exoficio BC Liberal Party.

With the existing Ukraine territorial disputes - where all nations are in a bidding war to exploit natural resources [i.e., energy] - there emerges a relevant question arising from these growing volumes of western states sanctions : "What about the International Space Station?"

The US wants this ISS to continue in space until 2024; at an annual $3 Billion per annum [.6% of US annual military budget].

Russia has already issued statement on this matter : "Moscow, March 26, 2013 (RIA Novosti) – Russia may use future modules of its segment of the International Space Station (ISS) to build its own orbital station, a senior space industry official said on Tuesday.Russia is planning to launch four new ISS modules – a multirole laboratory module (MLM), a node module and two science-power modules – by 2020, when the time comes to de-orbit the existing international outpost in space. “If the need arises, we could undock the new modules [from the ISS], starting with the MLM, and they will serve as a foundation for a new generation Russian space station,” Alexander Derechin, deputy chief designer for Russia’s space corporation RKK Energia, told a scientific forum in Moscow. "

Canada is already supplementing the US enlistment decline by sending soldiers into market acquisition regions like Afghanistan. And, now we are witnessing the apparent NATO commitments are drawing Canada further into this Ukraine Machiavellian opera.

Let us truly understand the role of former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney moving to England at a time of the eventual end of the prevailing Elizabeth II Saxe Coburg und Gotha / Windsor monarchical reign; and, the advent of the succeeding "Firm" representative Charles nee William being inducted by mandatory Canadian Parliamentary vote.

So, again - with regard to the International Space Station - what will happen with the Canada Arm ? Will it become part of our evolving sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine ?

Postscript : In the Victoria, BC harbour area; near the old Wax Museum is a stone memorial dedicating the 1825 Treaty between Russia and Britain; wherein mutual agreement is reached on the demarcation line on the west coast of Canada [Canada 1867; BC entered Confederation in 1871; Canada Citizenship Act 1946]
Canada has recently argued in court that it does not have any special care and nurturing obligation toward its veterans; even though Prime Minster Borden [with the acquiescence of Cabinet] gave such assurances in order to guarantee 500,000 soldiers to WWI European front lines as a mechanism to gain nationhood recognition - it was, also, at this time that Canada interned 4,000 Ukrainians in Canada as possible hostile aliens; and, additionally registered another 80,000 - requiring them to report to police; many lost all personal possessions to the gaolers.
So, the question, again, is : "Will Russia require the Canada Arm at its own International Space Station ?